
Tuesday 27 August 2013

School and Life Education.

Have you ever felt so disappointed and embarrassed in yourself when someone lends you a book to read but you can’t read it? Today in the society heaps of people still don’t know how to read and write. We believe that education is the key to achieve education goals and successfulness in life, because if you don’t complete our education your family will struggle in life with money, food and raising a family. Thats why you need to find a good job by completing your education, get good money, get good food and good clothes. When you have all these things, good education, and a good job you will be  able to pay your own house bills and keep your family in shape. Also you can be able to get better education for your children and generations to come. School is very important! Go to school learn as much as you can and don’t leave an energy working. Now lets look at what happens when you don’t have a good education or you drop out of school. The possibilities of a good life when you drop out of school and you don’t have a job is you’ll be on the run from the po po(Police), rob stores and houses or end up in the streets starving to death with a criminal record.

First of all, to achieve in school, we need to participate in class even if its boring or not interesting. For example, get information from your teachers and others as much as you can. You don’t know, after 5 or 6 more years you can get an University degree and study any of your favourite subjects in the future.

Furthermore,  to “Working Hard” why?. Because you can get a good job. In addition, work hard to accomplish goals and always make your name and family name proud when you reach the level of master degree in any University.

Equally important,  get a good job. For example, get money and buy resources for your family when they need it. Furthermore, raise your family in a positive way, always, and I mean always provide healthy good food on the table and most importantly a shelter above their heads.

In fact, if you accomplish your education goals you will have a successful life in future, you can be anything you want if you put your mind to it. If you work hard you won’t have to struggle in life and raising a family wouldn't be such a pain. Listen to what your parents and teachers say about school because their education wasn't as good as ours, your parents goals are to achieve the best for you. Your parents are only concerned for education and . Just imagine if everyone in the world had a successful great education, we would have a great world with people being able to afford the good things in life instead of being poor, we would have jobs not guns, knifes and trying to rob a bank.

Quotes: “Education is a progressive discovery of our own ignorance.”  ~Will Durant.
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
~Nelson Mandela.
Quotes from great leaders can put a lot of impact in your life, not bad impact but it could be a great impact. The message is, anyone can be anything if you set your mind, heart and all your effort into it. So take care and go hard in your learning and everything you do.

Wednesday 14 August 2013

Softball Recount.

“Today class we have an exciting event that we are doing” can anybody guess what event it is? said Mrs Silver. “I think its soccer” one person announced. “I think its Baseball” I cried. “So close but it is Softball” said Mrs Silver. “So in five minutes we have to be at the courts ready for the instructors” commanded Miss. We were all excited and elated to go Softball. The whole class stood up and pushed their own chair forward and walked outside getting ready to line up.

First of all my name is Sammy and today I’ll be your guys instructor for this whole softball session. I can’t wait to start playing” I said quietly to myself. So for warm up we will play Red light, Green light. It was a new game for me but I tried it out. After that we had to look for a partner and one ball between each other. Then we had to line up in 2 columns on our needs and started to roll the softball to each other. After rolling the ball we bounced the ball. It was a little bit hard because when you throw the ball it has to bounce straight to your partner.

At the end of the session we were all puffed and tired. It was fun, exciting and it has been one of the most exciting thing I've then.

Tuesday 13 August 2013


Over the last few days room ten and I have been participating in a squash session from 9 am to 10 am. For people who don’t know squash, squash is an activity that involves running, playing smart, using angles from the walls and heaps of other stuff sort of like tennis. Squash is a similar sport to tennis but squash hits the ball to the wall which it re bounce back then you keep on hitting it. Few rules you might come across: When you serve the ball you are not allowed to hit the ball back to you, serving has to go above the second red/black line, the ball has to bounce once or less before you hit it and not allowed to interfere with your opponent when he/she hits the ball.

Squash has inspired me to join a squash club or team. Every Tuesday I'm the only enthusiastic person about squash. It has been a awesome and exciting experience for me because learning how to play a new sport is a another level for me to keep on doing what I love to do (SPORTS). Most importantly to stay fit.   

Wednesday 7 August 2013

The Sock Funeral.

What do you think is the main idea of the poem?
          Explain your answer.Upload your explanation to your blog after
          conferencing with the teacher. (Task 1)
The main idea of the poem is to look after both socks.

Explain how one sock from a pair might go missing in your home. Upload your
         answer to your blog after conferencing with the teacher. (Task 2)
If one of my sock go missing that is because I just come back and throw my sock around.

How could you solve the ‘one lost sock’ problem? Explain your answer. Upload your explanation to your blog after conferencing with the teacher. (Task 3)
The only way I think you could solve this problem is just look for it.

Do you believe having only one type or design of sock in your sock drawer would be a good idea?   Explain why. Upload your explanation to your blog after conferencing with the teacher. (Task 5)
No, because if you are going somewhere special and you want to wear  paired socks there will  be only one  type of coloured sock there  to wear.

Design a ‘Wanted’ poster for socks you have lost. Remember to include a detailed description, contacts and possibly a reward. Take a screenshot of your poster and upload it to your blog. (Task 6)